Monday, August 1, 2011

Day I dont know- an end to it

Today I'm Grateful for: an end to it all.

I am ending this blog now. It has accomplished what I needed it to do. I worked out that I am actually a very grateful person, and that I do appreciate everything the Universe sends my way (except maybe the pain, lol) and so I don't need to do a gratitude journal to remind myself that there are wonderful things in life. I already know that. I already know that everything happens for a reason, even the bad things. The blog has helped me to differentiate between what I thought was wrong with my life to what is actually wrong with my life. To whit... nothing. I am a reasonably happy person with a lot of wonderful people in my life. I wouldn't change my family, I wouldn't change my friends, I wouldn't change the home I live in. I would change my health, and my family's health, I would change the fact that I procrastinate and don't make the changes in my life to accomplish what I need to make me feel fulfilled. ie: why don't I just write the damn book, instead of always wondering what someone else will think about it? I should write it just for me, then if anyone likes it, fantastic, if not, oh well. So there you go, the blog has accomplished all it needed to and now it's time to move on and do something else, something more productive I hope.

So take care of yourselves, remember to thank the Universe everyday for all the gifts in your life, and be happy with what you have.

Kisses for always
