Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day Fifty Two - People in My Life

Today I'm Grateful for:-

Today I'm grateful for the people in my life.

I have found, through the years, that I tend to take people for granted. Now, I don't know about you, but I don't mean to. I just kind of... leave them by the wayside I guess you could say.

This all comes about because we moved so often as kids, and again when I married, during our 'Navy years'. By the time I had made friends (always difficult for me) we had to move and even though we tried, always ended up losing contact with people who had meant a lot to us. Of course, this isn't exactly taking people for granted, but more a case of letting them go without a whimper. Like I said, I don't mean to. I really try to stay in contact with people, but as you know, life frequently gets in the way.

My goal today (or at least this week) is to remember the people in my life whether just by a phone call, email, a note to say hi, or listen to some music that meant a lot to us.

Don't get me wrong, I constantly try to find ways to let my immediate family know that I love and appreciate them. So I NEVER take them for granted. I'm talking about other people in my life. Family I don't see every week, family over east, friends that I love to see, but rarely do, my children's friends whom I also love to catch up with, but rarely do. You know, the people who light up your day when you see them, or talk to them on the phone. Even the friendly girl at the chemist. These people all make a difference in our lives. It makes us not so alone in this sometimes horrible world.

I read an article a while ago, about a man (who actually wrote a book about it) who sent a thank you note to everyone he met... including the girl who made his coffee in the fast food place of a morning. He included teachers from his primary school days (loooong time ago) and family members.  Apparently some of the people cried because they were 'being seen' for the first time in a long time. Makes me think.

Sometimes we can feel invisible to others, like nothing we say or do makes a difference to anyone. Maybe it's time we all opened up to others, allowed them into our lives, our hearts, and let them make a difference to how we see ourselves. Believe me, it will be worth it, the people we care about are gone before we are ready to let them go. Don't go another day without letting them know you care, or that you appreciate the way they make a great plate of eggs.

I am so very grateful to have people in my life who 'see' me. You don't judge me. You can see my faults, but like or love me anyway, and in some cases, because of them. Thank you.



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