Friday, March 18, 2011

Day Thirty Seven - People who know CPR

Today I'm Grateful for:-

Today I'm grateful for people who know CPR.

We woke this morning to the news that my Uncle (whom I spoke about in episode "Phone Calls and Herb Gardens")  had a massive heart attack on the bus on the way to the airport this morning. He and his 14 year old daughter were on their way here for the 'Big Bash" tomorrow night.

Luckily a woman on board the bus knew CPR and promptly applied effective rresuscitation and got him breathing again until paramedics arrived at the scene.  He was however without appropriate oxygen levels for around 5 minutes, so we aren't sure whether there will be any brain damage when he wakes from the medically induced coma.

Not good news folks, and very very difficult to be positive about anything just now. I know I am glad and grateful that he is still alive, but I'm just not sure how he is going to feel about it, if his health deteriorates even further. He has said previously that his quality of life is so low at the moment that if it wasn't for his daughter, he would rather just slip away. That so totally sucks for us, but if you think about it, from his point of view, is all of the suffering really worth it? A moral dilemma. And yes, I know we should only be thinking positive and 'good' thoughts now, as the universe hears all, but quite frankly, all I want to do is cry.

I can only imagine how this has effected his little girl, who was incredibly brave and gave all the relevant information to emergency services and kept calm, only breaking down when her Mum and Mum's fiance got to her at the hospital.

Everyone should learn CPR, if it wasn't for the lady on the bus this morning, my Uncle would be dead,and we would be organising a funeral tomorrow instead. So our very heartfelt thanks and gratitude go to that lady. I wish I could tell her in person.



PS I guess the universe didn't get my memo from yesterday...


  1. *hugs* I'm so sorry to hear that, I've got everything crossed that he comes out ok. Love and strength to you all xx

  2. I just wanted to make the readers of this Blog aware, Uncle passed away officially today- we knew yesterday But Julie and her Husband have gone to melbourne to be with family and make the funeral arrangements. She will be back to blogging as soon as possible, however a short break will be needed.

    Thank you for your kindness and continuing support.
