Monday, March 7, 2011

Day Twenty Six - Something to Do

Today I'm grateful for:-

Today I'm grateful for having something to do.

For many people, when they have to give up (paid) work for whatever reason, they tend to find themselves floundering around in the world. They may have not done anything but work for so many years, and to them, ,it might be that their work was what had defined who they were, how successful they were or how popular.

I am so grateful that this is not the case with me. I have so many projects on the go at the moment, my only problem is which one I can do today or when I can get the housework done! lol

Here's to keeping busy and keeping our minds active, so thank you to: take 5 and that's life magazines (for their puzzles), crossword puzzles, scrabble (on the phone.. so funny), painting, 5 new books to be read, photography, cooking new recipes, tapestry, beading, redecorating the house, sorting the cupboards, Reiki, Numerology, the list just goes on and on and on and on.... hehehe

To those of you who will occassionally complain about being bored, my suggestion is to find something that makes you happy, even if it is something you haven't done in years or something you have always wanted to try, and just forget about what you 'have' to do. Do what you LOVE to do, even just for awhile, it will put the oomph back into your omp pah pah.
Just have to work out what to do with the rest of today...hmmm



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