Today I'm Grateful for:-
Today I'm grateful for feeling better about myself.
Most of the time, I feel pretty crappy about myself, or at least the way I look these days. You see, I used to be quite attractive, pretty even, and so when I look into the mirror now and see an overweight, jowly creature with deep wrinkles and frizzy grey hair, I can't seem to figure out who she is. Disconcerting to say the least. And it certainly doesn't help with the depression. Or being able to have a positive outlook on life.
As it is only two days before the concert and three weeks until my birthday, I treated myself to a trip to the hairdresser, the whole works, colour, treatment, cut and blow dry. What a difference. I went for the new red colour similar to the one I had for Lizzie and Son-in-law's wedding last year, and even to me, it ROCKS!!! Dude it's great, I look a couple of years younger already. I really don't like the way I normally look, why is that do you think? It isn't as though I want to be 25 again, hell no... been there, done that, No, sometimes I believe that people will look at me and judge me by how I look now, not who I am inside. So when I see the old haggard woman, I think that is what others will think I am inside. But to me, I'm still the pretty girl who just wants to dance and climb rocks and sing to the stars.
For today's lesson, maybe I could try and be a little kinder to myself and find acceptance of who I am and how I look at this time in my life, not expecting to be more, but certainly not less either.
So, a new haircut is a great start, or perhaps it is just that I can look in the mirror and not cringe quite so much, and that is something to be grateful for.
Yes it is.