Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day Twenty - Company and Games

Today I'm Grateful for:-

Today I'm grateful for good company and phone games.

It could have been a very boring day today, with Jam at TAFE and Hubby busy on his computer, but eldest daughter Lizzie came over and we went shopping, ostensibly to buy cabbage for dinner, and ended up with two pair of bling thongs for $10, long line t-shirt for $8 and a maternity top for $2.50! Not bad for a cabbage trip...

After Jam had returned home after slaving away over a hot text book, the three of us sat together, and with very little bickering, managed to flesh out the basic plan for the baby shower in May.
We then made a tasty meal together, using the wonderfully efficient food processor to chop up the veges, and once Son-in-law had arrived, we all sat down to eat together. It was so nice, all of us in the same room for a change.

Looking around the table, even with everyone pretty much doing their own thing - ie; Hubby kept glancing at the tv, Son-in-law played with his iphone, Jam popping up and down to get drinks etc, Lizzie watching her tummy roll around - I realised that it wasn't so much that we 'share each other's days and thoughts', but that we were happy in each others company, more a case of sharing each others energies and being happy with that.

The other thing I'm grateful for is that Son-in-law spent time putting some games on my new phone for me, and now I am playing a game that is like scrabble with Lizzie, long distance... it's awesome. You will know that I'm not terribly technically minded, so this is actually a big deal for me...lol.

So there you go, good company, resulting in phone games, what a great day.



1 comment:

  1. You're on Words With Friends? Me too! My username is ChiFaery :-)
