Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day Twenty Eight - Money

Today I'm Grateful for:-

Today I'm grateful for money.

Yep, no matter how crass it sounds, I am truly grateful that we have money. No we aren't rolling in it, in fact our new mortgage is hell, but thanks to Hubby being such a hard worker, we do have enough money to make life comfortable.

I remember when we were first married, not only did we both work, but he worked 3 jobs just to make ends meet, and in fact it was incredibly difficult to make ends meet at all. We spent many years living from pay day to pay day, having to go without just about everything except the absolute basics needed to keep us alive and working. We got ourselves into credit card problems that took us years to get out of. Like I said, for quite a few years, it was tough.

Now don't get me wrong, neither of us come from wealthy families, in fact one Christmas I remember was when I was six years old. My mum (single parent) stayed up until the wee hours of the morning on the build up to the big day, knitting each of us kids one toy, I got a Panda, Uncle got a dog, and Brother got a (hang on, what did Brother get?) I can't remember. The point is, there wasn't anything else, and I also discovered that there was no santa. Do you know, I think that is my favorite Christmas - until after our own kids came along- because it showed me quite literally that we didn't need much because Mum loved us so much that she went to work all day and stayed up most of the night just to make sure there was something for us to unwrap on Christmas day.

Sorry, digressed there for a minute, I think the point I was trying to make is that although we started out doing it tough, we weren't that different to most people those days. We all had to work hard, we all had to make sacrifices, and we all learned to budget and make life better for ourselves and our families.

Now we are in our (almost for me) 50's life is easier to say the least. If you don't count health issues, we are comfortably off, like I said, not rolling in it, but we have enough to be able to help out family sometimes, have a holiday or 'big' purchase every couple of years, and always have enough so that if the microwave gets blown up (Jam using the metal edged plates...) we can just pop down to the Good Guys and pick up another one, oh and a small vacuum cleaner (so we don't have to borrow Lizzie's). That is what made me grateful today, that I didn't have to wait and save up before getting new ones.

So yes, it is wonderful to have enough money not to worry about where our next meal is coming from. Or our next holiday or special occasion.

I also wanted to mention that I believe that the more you are grateful for something, the more will come to you. Commonly known as Karmic law. So come on, join me in being grateful for all things in your life.



Count your blessings.  A grateful heart attracts more joy, love and prosperity         


  1. I don't think that being grateful for having money is crass, I'm more inclinded to think that not being greatful for it is. Good on you for being honest enough to say out loud you enjoy having the money you need to do things that you enjoy.

    Live your bliss.

  2. Thanks honey, and thank you for the positive feedback and comments, keep 'em coming... :)

  3. I agree, and by that same point I am grateful that we are having to work to get what we want. It's not easy (although we have fortunately always been able to afford the things we need) but even now things are getting easier thanks to the sacrifices and hard work over the past couple of years.

    I see so many people who have always had so much and have no appreciation for what they have, it's so much better to be able to compare and know how much we have in my opinion :-)
