Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day Eleven - Cool Days

Today I'm Grateful for:-

Today I'm grateful for a break in the hot weather.

Unlike a lot of West Australians, I don't like the summer. I spend 90% of my time inside with the curtains shut and the air-conditioner on full blast and doing as little as possible so I don't get overheated. It's not that I don't like the heat, it's just that the heat really doesn't like me. I get disgustingly bad migraines at the first sign of a day over 27 degrees.
Trust me, the other day my daughter Jam was taking me to the shops, and I only had to sit in her car (that had been sitting in the sun) for half a minute before the migraine came on. Nasty one too. Lasted 2 days. Icky. and yes, that is the technical term...

So today when I woke, it was overcast, windy and a damn sight cooler, I revelled in it! I have accomplished heaps today, catching up on the mountain of washing, unstacked the dishes, tidied up a bit, anyway you get the idea. I feel great, considering. And right now, I'm going to get a cup of tea, and take it outside to sit on the swing and just contemplate the world. Yep, great day.

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Whoot! Its awesome that the weather is cooler, Such a good and productive day.

    Live your bliss.
