Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day Six - Doctors

Today I'm Grateful for:-

Today I'm grateful for finding understanding Doctors...

A weird thing to be grateful for, but believe me, after so many years of being told that "it's all in your mind" and that I should just "learn to live with it", to actually find a doctor - or in this case a few in the past few weeks - who not only listens, but actually tries to make life more bearable for us,  it is really a wonderful thing. To have a Doctor  actually say to us, yes, I know how I can help you... and make the necessary arrangements to do so, yep, awesome.

It can really be heartbreaking to have people who are supposedly well educated  dismiss you as being a drama queen or that you are seeking attention, trying to get out of doing the housework (yes, a so called pain management specialist actually said that to me), sometimes you actually start to wonder if you really are going crazy. Not so cool. So when you find a doctor who looks right at you and says that he believes you, and that he wants to help. Damn, its a great feeling.

Someone did this for  my beautiful pregnant Lizzie today... (she has the same disease as I do, not the best thing to pass along...) and the great thing is, that such a little thing made so much difference to how she feels about the birth, that she burst into tears (happy tears) right there in the hallway! It was lovely. Whoops, not that she was crying, but that she was happy and relieved. :)

So, to all those Doctors who actually believe the oath they took, and do not dismiss us as unimportant, who take the time to listen, who keep up with the new research and literally can't wait to pass it along to their patients, thank you, thank you, thank you.


1 comment:

  1. Yup, I'm sharing that grateful moment today too.
    It's good to find people who may not have first hand understanding, but will do their best to help anyway, without making you feel foolish for saying something.

    Thanks for encouraging me to speak up about my worries, without you, I'd never have found out what I did today.

    Live your bliss.
